An Online Book Club for Ambitious Women

paired perfectly...

with reflective book analysis and thoughtful audio clips from Sabrina Whittaker's Thought Museum.

Fascinating Books on Productivity, Culture, and Self-Development

Are you ready for your most productive year yet? Our online book club offers a unique community of ambitious women who are looking to take their lives and careers to the next level.

Join us each month as we explore fascinating books on productivity, culture, and self-development. Additionally, if you join our private space, we'll host webinars and group calls where you can ask questions and get feedback throughout the month. You don't want to miss it!

Reflect. Recover. Think. Listen.

When I first had the idea for this book club, it was to give my sister and I a means for sharing our interest in reading. The idea was that we'd use the time to reconnect with one another and recover from our day. You may be interested to know she's pursuing a masters in literacy and I'm preparing for a master's in business analytics. We're passionate about education, and together, we'll explore a smattering of sub-topics and genres. Take a look at the bullets below to review some of my favorite topics to explore.

Afrofuturistic Storytelling to Help You Connect

Afrofuturism describes art, music, and literature that incorporates elements of Black culture and history with science fiction and fantasy.

The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Marketing

The study of consumer behavior mixes concepts from psychology and business to explore how "buying, having, and being" impact consumer wellness (that's you!).

A Black Woman's Guide to Financial Wellness

Instead of drowning in debt and stress, craft a plan to exceed your current and future financial obligations so you can feel secure chasing your dreams.





Yes, It's Actually Free.